Königsberger Str. 255
DE 48157 Münster
Mr. Philipp Knüppel
Product range

WEICONLOCK - Anaerobic adhesives and sealants

WEICONLOCK - Anaerobic adhesives and sealants

Anaerobic adhesives and sealants are an important subdivision in our extensive range of chemical products. Among other things, they are used to secure screw connections in all imaginable industrial areas.

But what kind of adhesives are they and what makes them so special?


Very special adhesives

Anaerobic adhesives and sealants are single component adhesives based on special resin that remains in a liquid state as long as it is in contact with oxygen. Therefore the hardener components in the liquid glue remain inactive until they come into contact with atmospheric oxygen. For this reason, the packaging that the glue is filled into is made from breathable material so that the glue doesn’t harden in the packaging.


Pen System

The packaging of the WEICONLOCK adhesives and sealants consists of the patented Pen System – it is breathable and thanks to its shape it enables user-friendly dosing and clean application.


How do anaerobic adhesives work?

After the parts have been joined, like screwing a screw covered in glue into a fitting, oxygen no longer has any contact with the glue and so it begins to harden. The hardening is even accelerated by simultaneous contact with metal. Various metals lead to various levels of strength and hardening properties.

When it comes to anaerobic adhesives and sealants, there is a differentiation between low-, medium- and high-strength products. Bonds made with low-strength products can be easily broken using some muscle power. Medium-strength bonds can still be broken, whereas some high-strength bonds can no longer be mechanically broken without causing damage. The grade of strength required depends on the respective application.


Securing screw connections

Screw safeguards protect screw connections from loosening on their own from vibration or impact stress. Because of the ease with which they flow, anaerobic adhesives completely fill up the microscopically small spaces between the threads. And so, safeguarding also provides effective protection against loosening as well as corrosion.

The liquid glue is simply applied to the threading and hardens completely after the screw is screwed in. It is recommended to moisten the entire threading so that the hardened glue distributes the force load across the entire length of the screw. You don’t need any mechanical safeguarding elements at all – providing all the calculations and tests have been performed. The various grades of strength as well as the material and geometry of the screws and screw threads should be taken into consideration. If you would like to loosen the connections again, you shouldn’t exceed a medium-strength product for smaller or difficult to reach threads.


Alternative to mechanical procedures

A large number of methods for securing screw connections are used in industrial fields. These safeguards prevent loss of clamping force and preload force so that the connections don’t loosen involuntarily. Traditional mechanical procedures include securing using lock washers or self-locking nuts. An alternative to this procedure is anaerobic adhesives, which are used to secure connections.

They are used for all screw thread sizes, they are easy and clean to dispense and apply. Using anaerobic adhesives decreases product weight, since the adhesive is lighter than mechanical fastenings and seals. Furthermore, the use of adhesives reduces costs as these products are usually less expensive than mechanical options.

Anaerobic adhesives and sealants have long been an established means for securing screws. They are used in many industrial fields, like aircraft construction, the automotive industry and smartphone production. Today’s modern products would be inconceivable without anaerobic adhesives. Among other things, these adhesives enable lighter and more stable construction.



In addition to securing screw connections, anaerobic products can also be used in many other areas of application.

Stud bolts, bearings, bushes and other assembly parts can be fastened using anaerobic adhesives and sealants. They are suitable for sealing pipes as well as fine or rough threads. In addition, they have a wide application range for surface sealing.

Thanks to the versatility of anaerobic adhesives and sealants, these products are now used regularly in virtually all modern lifestyle product areas.

Product range



Since 1947, WEICON GmbH & Co. KG has been producing speciality products for the industry in Germany. The range of products includes special adhesives and sealants, technical sprays and high-performance assembly pastes and greases for all areas of industry - from production over repair up to maintenance. Another field of activity is the development, sales and distribution of stripping tools.

The company headquarters is located in Muenster, Germany. WEICON has subsidiaries in Dubai, Canada, Turkey, Romania, South Africa, Singapore, the Czech Republic, Spain and Italy. The company is represented by WEICON partners in more than 120 countries all over the world.



- Headquarters – Muenster, Germany

- 9 International branches

- 350+ Employees worldwide

- 30+ Languages

- 190+ Adhesive Specialists



We are particularly proud of our wide range including more than 400 products. That way, we can always offer our existing and potential customers, who come from various professional backgrounds, the right solution for their application. Besides our high-quality adhesives, our product range also includes technical sprays and liquids, assembly pastes and high-performance greases as well as our WEICON TOOLS Stripping Tools.


Competitive advantage:


Available Worldwide

WEICON products are available worldwide. We run nine international branches and are represented by over 1,200 distribution partners in more than 120 countries. That way, we can offer you our services worldwide. Moreover, we take part in numerous national and international trade fairs every year, where we present our products, innovations and our extensive range of services. We constantly adapt to the changing demands of our customers, practical applications and the environment.


Certified Employees

Only with well-trained employees, we can offer our customers the best advice and exactly the service they need. In the area of professional training, we closely cooperate with the IFAM in Bremen and we provide extensive training for our employees in the back office as well as for our field service representatives.


Intensive Sales Support

We offer to give presentations and individual product trainings and are happy to share our comprehensive expert knowledge with our customers. In addition to training courses, we also offer other ways of specialist support. Our Adhesive Finder provides help with choosing the right adhesive, and the WEICON App makes all our product data available at any time.


Extensive Range of Services

We are also happy to run adhesive tests with your material samples in our laboratory, and we make the perfect choice of adhesives for your individual application.
Besides our support in trainings and adhesive tests, we offer many other services.
For the visually appealing presentation of our products in retail, we provide our customers with different displays and shelves as well as with a wide range of brochures and flyers. In addition, we are also happy to provide you with photo and video material, and we offer all our advertising material in numerous languages.









Company profile

Since 1947, WEICON GmbH & Co. KG has been producing speciality products for the industry in Germany. The range of products includes special adhesives and sealants, technical sprays and high-performance assembly pastes and greases for all areas of industry - from production over repair up to maintenance. Another field of activity is the development, sales and distribution of stripping tools under the brand WEICON TOOLS.

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