Anker Engelunds Vej 6
DK 9200 Aalborg SV
Ms. Lene Schnorrer
  • +45 96 34 21 21
  • +45 20686812
  • E-mail

Company profile

Walter Schnorrer ApS Welding Equipment is a Danish company founded in 1987, and is a patentee and manufacturer of a wide range of gas purge equipment for use when welding special metals and alloys, in particular stainless steels, titanium, duplex, and super duplex. When welding these special materials it is essential that the welding process takes place in an inert atmosphere in order to prevent oxidation, and this inert atmosphere is often best achieved in a welding chamber. Depending on the metal or exotic alloy to be welded, the residual oxygen in the welding chamber may need to be reduced to less than 50 ppm to obtain a corrosion-resistant result. Oxidation develops through contact with oxygen when the material is heated to welding temperature. After welding has ended it is important to maintain the inert atmosphere until the temperature of the work-piece is below 250°C, depending on the material. These Schnorrer advanced gas purge systems are under continuous development to meet many demanding technical specifications and functional needs, and to meet these needs economically. 

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