13 rue de la Brot
FR 21000 Dijon

Company profile

Vernet Behringer HDX combines fast machining with energy efficiency. Thanks to its 3 drilling units with 500 mm independent complementary X-axes, it offers unbeatable productivity in drilling, marking and milling, and the high level of automation allows to work without operators for long periods, such as night shifts. Against a backdrop of rising electricity prices, the 2023 version remains the most energy-efficient machine in its category, with an average installed power 50% lower than its competitors, while delivering the same or even better performance. The HDX is installed in a line with a Behringer HBE420-723G high-performance bandsaw, which covers all the needs of processors and steel service centers.

Next to this processing line, Behringer Eisele will show a VMS circular saw, a classic in any workshop where precise metal cuts are needed. Easy operation, robust design and precise cuts make the VMS series circular saws a reliable partner in the workshop and factory.
Deburring, descaling, edge rounding, degreasing and surface preparation: these operations can be realized with the drum machines from VB by SPK Finition: The MDL 400, which will be demonstrated at our booth, combines high capacity, minimal operating costs and robustness.

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