Essenberger Str. 91
DE 47059 Duisburg
Mr. Frank Schäfers

Company profile

PIT, the currently leading HFMI-system, has a preventive effect against fatigue and it achieves a significant increase of the fatigue life for steel and metal constructions - and this also on existing and preloaded structures. (e.g. a S355 from FAT 80 up to FAT 140 - a S690 up to FAT 160)

The International Institute of Welding (IIW) has confirmed with their "Recommendations for HFMI treatment" that HFMI is the most effectively "Post Weld treatment" method for improving of the fatigue life.

PITEC offers their PIT-Systems for buying or rent as well as the PIT-service, PIT-consulting and the PIT- training.

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