Via dei Marmorari 36
IT 41057 Spilamberto (MO)
Mr. Giuseppe Di Salvo
  • +39059785210
  • +39 3358026727
  • E-mail
Product range

Clinox devices for stainless steel pickling, polishing, marking and testing. Marking devices for stainless steel and other metals, including Aluminium.

Clinox devices for stainless steel pickling, polishing, marking and testing. Marking devices for stainless steel and other metals, including Aluminium.

Since 1995 we produce devices for the stainless stell pickling and polishing, together with different solution for the marking of stainless steel and other metals, Passivation testers, stainless steel type testers, everything for the stainless steel professionals.

Integrated tank, automatic torch with liquid supply, fumes extraction or abatement are technical solutions that we are producing since 1995. Inverter technology and green pickling solutions are central themes for the industry, to make the stainless steel processing faster, better, easier for all our customers.

Company profile

We are producing since 1995 electrochemical devices for stainless steel pickling, polishing, marking and testing. We have a full range of pickling devices called Clinox , which includes different passivation and stainless steel type testers. All our products are inverter based with several patented features like fumes extraction/abatement system, integrated tank and pumping system for the liquids, a dynamic setting of the pump. There are also traditional "dip & work" systems available and a third range of pre-filters called Velum for protecting the air inlets of cnc machines, compressors, electrical cabinets and electrical motors.

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