An International Company with Representation in Several Countries
Ever since the company was founded in 1974, Monitor has helped small as well as medium-sized manufacturing companies to improve their productivity and thereby decrease their production costs. Today we are the leading supplier of ERP systems in Sweden within our market segment. Our head office is situated in Hudiksvall and we also have several offices around Sweden. We have subsidiaries in Germany, Finland, Poland, China, and Malaysia as well as business partners in Denmark, Norway,
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. This way, we can offer our services and products on the international market.
Monitor has more than 200 employees and everything from sales to training and support are all carried out within the company. We have more than 40 years of experience of the ERP business and the system has won several awards for its user-friendliness, functionality, and customer satisfaction. The MONITOR system is developed in close cooperation with experts within the manufacturing industry, which has contributed to Monitor being able to deliver a system optimized for the engineering industry of today.
Thousands of companies around the world use MONITOR in their daily business
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