Neukirchner Str. 2
DE 65510 Hünstetten

Company profile

FOCUS is an owner-managed German company situated in Hünstetten close to Wiesbaden. Most of the about 30 employees have an academic degree. Among those are 3 software engineers, 4 electronics engineers, 2 designers and 7 physicists.

Since its foundation in 1990 FOCUS develops and builds scientific instruments in the field of electron spectrosopy and electron microscopy in close co-operation with several universities and research centers as a platform for new and innovative products.

Based on this co-operation a new business model was developed for FOCUS in 2007 : Electron Beam welding with highest precision in a very compact system designed for R&D and SME.

The micro-electron-beam-welding machine MEBW 60 brings together engineers and physicists: the electron beam used for welding with a power of up to 2 kW at the same time can be used in a fine focused low power mode for the implemented SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) imaging.

The main applications of the MEBW 60 are construction of prototypes, precision- and micromechanics or the deliberate modification of surfaces by means of the electron beam.  The finely focused electron beam down to 25 µm allows for most precise welding in the high resolution navigation mode. The use  of „draw a welding“ makes complex welding seams become an easy task.

The application area of the MEBW-60  reaches from workshops at the Fraunhofer Institutes up to the fabrication of components for space research. High flexibility, ease of use and clear cost turn make this compact electron beam welder a profitable investment.

Recently FOCUS did develop in co-operation with the RWTH Aachen the Micro Laser Welding Machine FOCUS LaVa (=Laser in Vacuum). Also there the whole process is accomplished under vacuum conditions.

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