Via Bottego 245
IT 41123 Modena

Company profile

The group consists of two specialized companies that are at the top of the industry: Commersald Spa and Commersald impianti Srl.

Commersald Spa is the Italian leader in the marketing of special welding materials such as wires, electrodes, rods, powders and other complementary materials. A wide range of high level welding consumables selected between the top worldwide producers that become KOY brand products only after having passed severe quality tests.

Born in Modena-Italy as family business, since 1973 Commersald Spa has never stopped to grow . Today it is a reality with more than 25 employees, a large network of agents and resellers all over the country.

A success based on the absolute quality of the materials and a service of technical excellence which follows the customer at each stage before and after the purchase, from the choice of the product to the final use of it. Winning features that over the years have consolidated the leadership in Italy and opened up the international market to Commersald Spa.

Commersald is also first commercial company of the sector to have obtained UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 quality certification.

Commersald Impianti Srl Is a leading company in the design, production, sales and International after-sales service of welding machines, equipments other complementaries based on the P.T.A. Plasma Transferred Arc process with powder and wire. Born as Commersald Spa division at the end of the 90's, in few years has quickly set itself in Italy, Europe and the world.

In addition to the known P.T.A. systems, Commersald Impianti develops multi-process working equipments with Multiclad and Plasmig techniques for cladding and welded coatings even in highly specialized sectors like Oil&Gas, Automotive, Marine, Nuclear and Aerospace with the use of different combined technologies:

  • Plasma Powder in single pass/tandem
  • GMAW(pulsed, double pulsed, soft)
  • GTAW and Pulsed GTAW

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